Mentors in the Faculty of Architecture Mentors of the Architecture study programme: MARIJA CHOROMANSKYTĖEmail: marijachoro@gmail.comTel.: +37066861570The group under mentorship: Afa-24/1 PAULINA AVIŽIENYTĖEmail: avizienytepaulina@gmail.comTel.: +37061261191The group under mentorship: Afa-24/2 MARTYNA TICHOMIROVAEmail: tichomirovamartyna@gmail.comTel.: +37062741854The group under mentorship: Afa-24/1 LIEPA HENRIETA RUBIKAITĖEmail: liepa.rub@gmail.comTel.: +37063012106The group under mentorship: Afa-24/2 VAKARĖ BUDRYTĖEmail: vakarebudryte0914@gmail.comTel.: +37067669726The group under mentorship: Arfau-24 Mentors of the Landscape Architecture study programme: MARTIN MIGALEmail: migalmartin@gmail.comTel.: +37069056322The group under mentorship: KA-24 Mentors of Industrial Product Design study programme: AGNA PETKEVIČIŪTĖEmail: agnapetkeviciute@gmail.comTel.: +37067163745The group under mentorship: PGD-24 Help mentors to find you! Join the VILNIUS TECH 2024 first-year groups on FACEBOOK!Link to the VILNIUS TECH First-years'24 group.Link to the Faculty of Architecture's First-years'24 group.