Mentors in the Faculty of Mechanics Mentors in the Medical Engineering study programme: GRETA JURPALYTĖEmail: greta.jurpalyte@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37068491350The group under mentorship: BMf-24, BMfu-24 VANESA KAMINSKAITĖEmail: vanesa.kaminskaite@stud.vilniustech.ltTel.: +37069952571The group under mentorship: BMf-23 Mentors in the Production Engineering and Management study programme: ADELIJA MAŽYLYTĖEmail: adelija.mazylyte@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37067570202The group under mentorship: GIV-23 AURIMAS TRUMBAČIKASEmail: aurimas.trumbacikas@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37062519646The group under mentorship: GIV-23 MARIUS NIADZVETSKASEmail: marius.niadzvetskas@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37060281128The group under mentorship: GIV-23 Mentors in the Mechanical Engineeringstudy programme: KAROLIS BENDINSKISEmail: karolis.bendinskis@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37063343154The group under mentorship: Mf-24, MEfu-24 DANIELIUS PALIAKAUSKASEmail: danielius.paliakauskas@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37062778712The group under mentorship: Mf-23 SIMAS SVIENSASEmail: simas.sviensas@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37067078081The group under mentorship: Mf-23 AUKSĖ JUŠKAITĖEmail: aukse.juskaite@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37066719321The group under mentorship: Mfu-23 SIMONAS JURKYNASEmail: simonas.jurkynas@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37060601123The group under mentorship: Mfu-23 Mentors in Mechatronics and Robotics study programme: MANTAS JOZAVITASEmail: mantas.jozavitas@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37060608614The group under mentorship: MRf-24, MRino-24 KAROLIS BENDINSKISEmail: karolis.bendinskis@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37063343154The group under mentorship: MRfu-24 Mentors in Applied Artificial Intelligence study programme: EMA ŠPILIAUSKAITĖEmail: ema.spiliauskaite@stud.vilniustech.ltTel. nr.: +37062585817The group under mentorship: TDIf-23 Help mentors to find you! Join the VILNIUS TECH 2024 first-year groups on FACEBOOK! Link to the VILNIUS TECH First-years'24 group. Link to the Faculty of Mechanics First-years'24 group.