Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Students' Representation is a non-governmental, non-profit, autonomous and voluntary organisation that responsibly represents the interests of students and unites young, energetic and original students.
Uncertain about study procedures? Do you have complaints, questions, ideas? Contact us!
Interested in our activities? Want to become a mentor? Do you think you could represent the voice of your faculty in the Senate? Join us!
Can you offer your services to improve the competences of our members? Maybe you want to contribute to an event or receive publicity? Contact us!
We are united by thousands of people, millions of memories and one common goal - the well-being of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University students.
Alumni Club
It is made up of university graduates who have contributed to the activities of the student representation during their studies and is designed to foster links between current and former VILNIUS TECH SA members and to help transfer knowledge and improve competences. Are you a former member and want to join the Alumni Club?
Mentors Program
Senior students help first-year students integrate into university life by volunteering for the program, taking part in training and passing a knowledge test. Want to gain new experiences, better understand the rules and regulations of the University and meet lots of great people? Or maybe you are a first year student looking for your mentor?
Integration of first-year students
We organise first-year camps where you can get to know your future groupmates and fellow students before the start of the school year. We help first-year students discover their favourite activities at university and answer any questions they may have. After all, it's braver together!
Group Representative System
Each academic group elects its own representative. They receive training to get to know not only each other but also their duties, rights, and study procedures. They attend meetings organised by the Vice-Chairmen of the Students' Representation to resolve problems that arise in the group and to convey the views of the students on relevant issues.

Representation in university bodies
Student representatives participate in meetings of the Study Progam Committees (SPCs), Faculty Study Committees, the University Study Committee, the Senate, the Rectorate, and the Council, express their opinions, participate in decision-making, and advocate for student rights. Want to know who represents you? Or maybe you would like to join? For more information, please see the "About us" section or get in touch by clicking on the "Contact us" button
Student Events
Wondering what to do? Would you like to have fun with your friends? Or maybe you're looking for somewhere to expand your social circle? Follow the Student Representation on social media and find the events for you!
Improving competences
To represent students responsibly, we need to know a number of areas. This is why we take part in various training courses to improve our competences in the areas of public relations, marketing, social and academic affairs, human resources, and team management. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve?
Help For Students
Trained members of the Student Representation answer all questions, advise on when and how to write appeals and back up what they say with official university documents. Got questions or complaints?
Kviečiame visus Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto studentus į VILNIUS TECH SA EF ataskaitinę seniūnų konferenciją, kuri vyks kovo 18 dieną (antradienį) Plytinės g. 25, P2 153 auditorijoje 18:30 SENIŪNŲ AR JŲ DELEGUOTŲ ASMENŲ DALYVAVIMAS KONFERENCIJOJE – PRIVALOMAS DARBOTVARKĖ 1. Registracija; 2. Konferencijos atidarymas; 3. Konferencijos pirmininko, sekretorių rinkimai; 4. Darbotvarkės tvirtinimas; 5. Balsų skaičiavimo komisijos…
VILNIUS TECH SA KIF ataskaitinė seniūnų konferencija
Kviečiame į VILNIUS TECH SA KIF ataskaitinę seniūnų konferenciją, kuri vyks kovo 24 d. Trakų g. 1 SNR lll – 119 auditorijoje. Seniūnų ar jų deleguotų asmenų dalyvavimas konferencijoje privalomas!
VILNIUS TECH SA VVF ataskaitinė seniūnų konferencija
Kviečiame visus į VILNIUS TECH SA VVF ataskaitinę seniūnų konferenciją, kuri vyks kovo 20 dieną, 19 valandą, S2 (SRA-I) A04. Primename, kad seniūnų ar jų deleguotų asmenų dalyvavimas – privalomas! Konferencijos darbotvarkė: 1. Registracija; 2. Konferencijos atidarymas; 3. Konferencijos pirmininko, sekretorių rinkimai; 4. Darbotvarkės tvirtinimas; 5. Balsų skaičiavimo komisijos rinkimai; 6. Kvorumo tikrinimas; 7. VILNIUS…
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Our Friends:
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Interested in our activities? Want to learn more about university policies, student representation and find like-minded people who are motivated by a common goal?
You can join the Faculty Representation at any time - no matter what you're studying or in which year.
Do you have friends in another faculty representation and would you feel more confident there? You can join their ranks, even if it's not your faculty.
You may belong to one or more of the following committees:
- Public Relations
- Marketing
- Social and Academic affairs
Not sure what you want to do? Join as a free member and try your hand at everything!
Let's get in touch
Saulėtekio al. 11
Vilnius, Lithuania