Final Thesis Memo

A final thesis (hereinafter referred to as FT) is an independent scientific, applied, project or creative project work carried out by a student upon completing a study program, demonstrating skills that correspond to the program's objectives.


Lists of student FT topics and supervisors are approved in the system by the end of the semester in which the Final Thesis 1 or Research Thesis 1 is scheduled.

The selection of topics takes place during the first month of the semester in which Final Thesis 1 or Research Thesis 1 is scheduled to begin, and the student has the right to propose a topic during this period. 

If a student chooses a topic proposed by social partners, the specific assistance provided by the company or organization must be specified, such as access to company data, technologies or equipment, or providing a workspace for the student.

The FT supervisor advises the student in developing the FT plan and provides feedback on areas that need improvement.


  • The FT must be written in Lithuanian following the applicable spelling rules. Individuals studying in English-language programs prepare the FT in English.
  • The chosen FT topic must be relevant.
  • At least 5 business days before the FT defense date, the student must submit the final version of the FT, which should be uploaded to the myVILNIUSTECH information system.
  • The reviewer must provide feedback in the myVILNIUSTECH information system at least 1 business day before the defense date.


Each committee member evaluates the FT separately, taking into account the reviewer's conclusion and the supervisor's feedback. The final FT grade is equal to the arithmetic average of all committee member evaluations.

For students who have not prepared or defended their FT by January 23 due to significant and justifiable reasons, and whose study programs are completed in January, the dean may, by decree, postpone the FT defense until June 23.