Student representatives on the University Studies Committee

Student representatives on the University Studies Committee


University Studies Committee (USC) - A university body that shapes the strategy and directions for the improvement of the study process, analyses new programmes with the help of reviewers, and analyses and comments on drafts of internal legislation related to the implementation of studies.

The main functions of the University Studies Committee (USC) are:

1. Analyses the quality of the University's degree programmes;

2. Shapes and ensures the implementation of the University's study quality objectives;

3. Reports to the Senate

Internal quality assurance is carried out at university, faculty, department, and study programme committee levels, in line with the principle of accountability:

  • The Study Programme Committees (SPCs) report to the Faculty Studies Committee (FSC).
  • The Faculty Studies Committee (FSC) summarises the information received and submits it, together with recommendations, to the University Studies Committee (USC) for consideration.
  • The University Studies Committee (USC) summarises quantitative and qualitative information and presents it to the Senate.


Jovita Bžezinskaja

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Studentų atstovybės viceprezidentė

Ervin Borkovski

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Studentų atstovybės prezidentas